The point of it all

I suppose I could be seen as picky, or as a food snob. My husband has commented that I intimidate him in the kitchen; that if he were to cook, I’d be stalking behind him secretly critiquing. That is total BS.

For me, food consumption is multifaceted:

First, I love the taste of food I don’t just love to eat. I love the act of cooking and for me, someone lacking artistic abilities, cooking is my art. It’s being pleasantly surprised by something visually as well as through taste, smell and feel. Of course when I was younger I was less experimental but more often than not I was at least willing to try something. The list of things I will not eat is very, very small, i.e. headcheese and other noxious items.

Secondly, I have a theory : the cleaner my food is the better it is for my body, the easier to digest both physically and mentally. It really just comes down to caring about what I put into my body. From a not young enough age I realized it was in my best interest to keep myself on a pedestal. I do not mean that I look down my nose at others, more that I hold myself to a certain standard. Why is simple. We’re all going to age and at some time we will all die. From here to there I want to be as healthy and active as possible. I want to enjoy all the years. I’m 34 now. The days of my wanton youth are gone to some degree. If I’m lucky enough to be here to see the ripe old age of 90 as my maternal grandmother just hit I certainly want it to be a comfortable journey.

I have a younger friend, we’ll call her “Emma”, who has been repeatedly dealt a shitty hand. More often than not she finds herself looking forward to her death to some degree. She does it all wrong. Shit food, smokes a ton of menthol cigs, drinks into oblivion, etc. She doesn’t care about her health in the least. She laughs in health’s face… really it’s more of a shrill cackle.

But that’s her and I’m me.

For me finding a new recipe and working it out is a bit like my writing. I get an idea, a hankering for something so I let my mind wrap around the idea. Do I have the things to make it work? If not, can I improvise? Are the ingredients interesting enough to peak my curiosity?

This brings me to the point of this blog. I like to write as much, if not more than I like experimenting in the kitchen. I need to write more. I want to write more. The ladies in my writing workshop have been talking about getting published. One woman noted how much easier it is if you are known, whether through your online rantings or through actual publications. So here I am experimenting in this new world of blogging.

While I hope that you the readers will not only help me to find and nourish my voice, I also look forward to sharing some of my fantastic adventures and most likely a lot of hard learned lessons in the kitchen.

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